- Our Troop is a member of the Eno River District, Occoneechee Council, in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, North Carolina.
- Membership typically ranges from 12-20 Scouts. Beginning in 2023, we are a co-ed troop with boys and girls.
- Our Troop has been sponsored by New Hope Presbyterian Church for more than 50 years.
- We meet weekly, year-round. At our meetings we plan our activities, work on advancement, and have fun events.
- We enjoy a variety of outdoor activities each year including camping, hiking, skiing, canoeing, climbing, and service activities.
- We enjoy other activities such as city trips to places like Washington DC, Charleston, Atlanta, and Asheville.
- In some years, we have Scouts participate in High Adventure Expeditions to places such as Philmont Ranch, Northern Tier, and Florida Sea Base.
- Scouts advance at their own pace. We’ve had 15 Eagle Scouts in the past 7 years.
- Our Program is run by the Scouts. Scouts run Meetings, select activities, and manage their business under the guidance of the Scoutmaster and Adult Leaders.
- All Adult Leaders complete detailed Youth Protection Training (renewed every 2 years) and participate in position-specific training.
- Our Troop Committee is comprised of interested parents and friends. The Committee meets monthly and coordinates fund-raising, advancement, and logistics for the Troop.
About Scouting
- The Ideals of Scouting are outlined in the Scout Oath and Law, Motto and Slogan, and the concept of “Scout Spirit”. These ideals define what a Scout should strive to be.
- The Methods of Scouting are the means through which the aims are achieved. They include: Scouting Ideals, Patrols, Outdoors, Advancement, Personal Growth, Adult Association, Leadership Development, and Uniform.
- Scouting provides Skill-Sets that are frequently unavailable in other areas in youth education: Team-Building, Decision-Making, and Development of Leadership Skills.
Scout Oath
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Scout Motto
Be Prepared.
Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent